Books & Tutorials {apply first}

Deep Learning for Everyone: Fundamentals of Deep Learning in Plain English

A comprehensive apply first learn from experts tutorial book of Deep Learning basics that covers the fundamental theory and algorithms with Python implementations. Covers Deep Learning in plain english.

Computer Vision Frameworks: Practical Guide to Building and Deploying Computer Vision Models

Explore Object Classification, Object Detection and Object Segmentation. Also implement End to End Industry grade Objecet Detection Pipelines.

AI Articles & Letters


🔴Exploring Maths behind ChatGpt without getting into Maths


🔴Feature Importance and Feature Selection - Framework

Youtube Tutorials

Amazon Sagemaker {Apply First}

🔴 Playlist Outcome:
✔️ You will be ready to implement and integrate ML or DL models with own/company application.
✔️ You will be ready to create ML or DL models using AWS Sagemaker for custom usecases.

AWS Full Course {Apply First}

🔴 Playlist Outcome:
✔️ You will be ready to implement and integrate AWS with own/company application.
🔴Free Resources:
✔️ All Code and Notebooks on demanded
